Spring Survival Guide for Moms – Keeping the Work-Life Balance in Check This Season!
As the weather heats up, so do the obligations! School play rehearsals, an increase in outdoor activities, shopping for spring holidays, scheduling important appointments – oh, and you have your own job and household to manage!
Whether your preteen needs to get their teeth straightened (75% do!) or you’re changing one of your young one’s 7,000 diapers, Nicole Feliciano has the stress-beating tips for balancing entrepreneurship, kids and success. She’s written a book about it! And now she joins us with advice on getting through – and enjoying — the Spring.
Nicole discusses:
- Must-have’s for the moms survival tool belt (plus scheduling, managing expectations, getting help)
- Dealing with the orthodontist and straightening out yours and your kids smiles
- Managing diaper duties (tips and “butt paste” that starts healing on contact without harsh ingredients)
- A small, SMART Social Robot that kick starts a child’s creativity, critical thinking, and tech skills.
- Best SMART jewelry that keeps mom healthy both physically and mentally
About Nicole Feliciano: Nicole Feliciano the Founder & CEO of MomTrends Media, a social media company that provides busy women with a daily dose of style. In 2015, MomTrends Media achieved $1million in sales revenue and Nicole now leads a team of 10 women from the MomTrends Media’s headquarters in Brooklyn, NY.
Before launching MomTrends, Nicole spent a decade working in fashion–most notably as an executive with Polo Ralph Lauren. When she became a mom in 2005, the fashion maven embarked on her social media career and began contributing to Babble.com, Time Out New York Kids, and many more online publications. Seeing a void in the blogosphere, she launched MomTrends.com in 2007.
Her first book, MomBoss: Balancing Entrepreneurship, Kids & Success, is now available at Amazon.
Cision media place Nicole as the #11 Mom Blogger in the nation in 2014. When she’s not scoping out trends, you can find her in NYC with her two daughters and husband. Outside her work and family her passions include: travel, running, reading, and cooking. She shares glimpses of her life on instagram @MomTrends and twitter @MomTrends.
This segment is sponsored by Invisalign, Boudreaux, Huggies, Bellabeat’s Leaf Activity Tracker, Ozobot: Ozobot Evo.