How To Know When an Elderly Parent Should Move To Assisted Living – An Article

The signs can be easy to miss, but there will come a time when your elderly parent will need increased levels of care. Whether they are living with you or on their own, when you can no longer meet their daily needs, it may be time to consider extra support. Here is how to know when an elderly parent should move to assisted living.


Your aging parent is in a difficult time of their life. They are growing older and may start resenting the world around them as a result. Whether they accept their limitations or not, there is ample opportunity for elderly parents to retaliate against their children who are caring for them. Increasing aggression is a key sign that your parent should move to assisted living. A deteriorating relationship does not help anyone, and you want to be as supportive as possible in these difficult years of transition.

Caregiver Stress

If you have been caring for your parent in your own home or theirs, you have likely experienced some caregiver stress. This exhaustion is the result of feeling completely responsible for the daily needs and emergencies your parent experiences. First, know this—you are not alone, and you are not wrong for feeling overwhelmed. It is completely natural to feel worn out by taking on the full responsibilities of your parent’s life while also managing your own. It is time for your parent to move to assisted living when the strain on your daily life becomes too much to handle.

Escalating Care Needs

It is no secret that the body begins to break down over time. Depending on where your elderly parent is in this process, they may need to move to assisted living. Every day, people complete tasks that may seem mundane but are actually very difficult for those with aging bodies to handle. Some of these activities include bathing, dressing, cleaning, cooking, socializing, and managing a household. If you or your parent are not ready to enter assisted living quite yet, there are many accommodations seniors can consider using at home instead. However, be aware that there will come a time when stairlifts and shower chairs are not enough. Plan with your parent and decide together when it is right to seek more support.

Knowing when an elderly parent should move to assisted living can help you create the best plan for them. By watching for the signs and planning ahead, you can support your aging parent and make the best transition possible.