Fly like an Eagle. Racing Champion Lucas di Grassi joins Allianz in inaugurating the Virtual Reality Experience

Humans have always longed to fly like a bird, to take to the sky, arms outstretched, with the power and innate grace of the avian masters. While human biomechanics will never allow for the facility of unfettered flight, today’s virtual reality (VR), coupled with robotics and simulation technology, can deliver an experience like never before – fulfilling our ultimate dream of flying like an eagle. Birdly® operators command their full-body VR flight experience instinctively with arms and hands creating an exhilarating experience.

Lucas di Grassi said: “I’ve done a lot of VR in my life, from racing simulators to pretty much everything you can do in VR, but I’ve never had an experience like this that is so immersive like the Birdly machine. It’s super natural the way you move, I love it.”

The Allianz Explorer Zone is open to the curious on April 26th and 27th in Paris.